Thursday, April 11, 2019

Just a sec

Today I took the last state exam I need in my pursuit of getting my teaching certificate for K-8. My first exam, NT102, I scored 271/300; on the NT 103, I scored 247/300. I feel pretty good about those scores, but really, a pass is a pass, and scores are irrelevant.

Yesterday was my mom's birthday, and she would have been 69.

Tonight Maya has an overnight at the university, and tomorrow, she will attend a class, have meals there, etc. She has 9 weeks left before high school graduation (June 15) and 10 weeks until she graduates from community college. Unbelievable.

Life is crazy beautiful.

Coffee and Serial

Today my youngest daughter is having senior photos taken at a local park. It's unbelievable that my youngest child is a senior and will be 18 in TEN days. It makes me happy-sad-happy. Definitely more happy than sad because she's a great kid. All of our kids, they are just such good people. The world is so fortunate to have them among its inhabitants.

So I sit here, alone in my home that looks like a mini tornado ran through it because when everyone in a household is going to school and 2/3 are working full-time, there's no time for a good cleaning.

So I sit here and drink coffee, which is an indulgence at noon on a Thursday, and listen to Season 3 of Serial.

And I try to forget the thinks that make me sad and try to take my breath away at any given moment. Because there is always someone who has it harder, and my life is beautiful.